Xero Shoes Is Giving Away 5 Pairs Of Shoes In Their Monthly Giveaway

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Xero Shoes Mind Pump Sweepstakes

No purchase necessary

Entry link to their sweepstakes at the bottom of the post.

Sweepstakes Period

The Xero Shoes Mind Pump Sweepstakes runs monthly, starting on the 1st at 12:01 AM (Eastern Time) and ending on the last day of the month at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time)


Open to residents worldwide (18+).


Five pairs of Xero Shoes to randomly-selected winners.


To enter, go here: https://gleam.io/MTrZ9/mind-pump-giveaway?gsr=MTrZ9-fKhb3WugcA

You can earn multiple entries by performing tasks such as referring your friends.