Free Stur Liquid Water Enhancer

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Stur Liquid Water Enhancer is a natural flavoring product designed to add taste to water without calories, sugar, or artificial ingredients. You can think of it like a healthier version of liquid Kool-Aid.

For a limited time, you could try this product out for free.

Here’s how:

1 – First, text the word ‘offer‘ to the phone number 617-553-6305. I know it can be really uncomfortable to text random numbers off the internet. So, to put your mind at ease, I’ve done this myself and taken screenshots of the process.

2 – You’ll need to opt-in to their text messages by pressing “y”. Don’t worry you can unsubscribe at any time by texting them the word “STOP”.

3 – You’re officially entered. You can text Stur your zip code to see which Walmart’s carry their products.

4 – Next, head to your local Walmart. Purchase 1 Stur Liquid Water Enhancer (any flavor). Make sure to do this by 1/26/25.

5 – Take a picture of your receipt. Send the photo to the number from earlier.

6 – Done! You’ll be reimbursed via Paypal or Venmo (your choice) within a few days!