Free Spicy Al Pastor BBQ Sauce

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From now till 10/15/2024, you can pick a 14.5oz of Tenayo’s new spicy al pastor BBQ sauce for free. This offer is only valid at select Target stores and

Here’s what you need to do to get it:

1- Go here and enter your phone number: (copy and paste the link into your browser)

2 – You’ll be sent a text message shortly after. Don’t delete this text.

3 – Head over to your local Target purchase one Tenayo Al Pastor BBQ Sauce (14.5oz size). Alternatively, you could also order it at

4 – Now all you have to send a picture of your receipt to the number the texted you earlier.

5 – Done! You’ll be reimbursed within 24-48 hours via Paypal or Venmo.