Free Organic Almond Malk Creamer

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Almond Malk is a healthier alternative to traditional coffee creamer. It has no dairy, gluten, fillers, oils, or gums. With only 60 calories per serving, it’s also a great option for people watching their weight.

If you’re interested in trying this product, you can do so for free.

Here’s how:

1 – Before you do anything else, make sure you live near a store that carries this product. You can do that by entering your zip code here:

2 – Next, you’ll need to visit this website: (copy and paste the link in to your browser)

3 – They will send you a text message within a few minutes. Make sure to save this message. You’ll need to come back to it later.

4 – Now head over to the store. Purchase one Malk creamer and save your receipt.

5 – Take a picture of your receipt. Send the photo to the number that text messaged you earlier.

6 – Done. You’ll be reimbursed within 1-2 days via Venmo or Paypal.

Don’t wait too long to pick up this freebie. This offer ends on 9/15/2024.