Free Myles Comfort Foods Mac and Cheese (Target And Whole Foods)

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1 – Start by going here: Put in your email address.

2 – You’ll be asked three questions. Your answers will not effect eligibility. Everyone gets this freebie.

  • In the past week how many frozen meals did you consume?
  • Rank the following attributes in order of importance when choosing a meal.
  • What other healthy nutrition bars/snacks do you typically purchase?

3 – After that’s done, you’ll get an email from them. Save this email, you’ll need to come back to it later

4 – Now head over to your local Target or Whole foods. Purchase one 10 oz box of Myles Comfort Foods Mac and Cheese (any flavor). Purchase must be made before before 09-20-24 08:47 pm EDT.

5 – Take photo of your receipt and the product.

6 – Reopen the email from earlier. At the bottom, click “complete redemption”.

7 – Just go through to process. You’ll need to submit your photos of the receipt and product.

8 – Done! You’ll be reimbursed via Paypal or Venmo within 5 business days.