Free Can Of Caliwater Cactus Water (Wegmans)

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Caliwater Cactus Water is a low-calorie drink that has only 30 calories and 6 grams of sugar. It’s provides excellent hydration due to the fact it has five naturally occurring electrolytes. It’s a great choice for those looking for a healthier alternative to traditional sugary drinks.

If you’re interested in trying to Caliwater for free, here’s how you can do so:

Note: this deal will only work at Wegmans. Wegmans only has stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia , Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Delaware.

Step 1 – Go here:

Step 2 – After you fill out the information on that page, you’ll be sent a text message.

Step 3 – You’ll get a text message shortly. Save this message. You’ll use it later to get your money back.

Step 4 – Head over to your local Wegmans. Purchase one can of Caliwater.

Step 5 – Take a photo of your receipt and go back to the text message that was sent to you earlier.

Step 6 – Click the link in the text message. This is where you’ll submit the photo of your receipt.

Step 7 – You’ll get your money back via Paypal or Venmo (your choice) within a few days.