Free 12oz Bottle Of WTRMLN ADE (Target And Whole Foods Only)

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WTRMLN ADE is a tasty drink made with watermelon juice, lemon juice, and a bit of sweetness. It’s hydrating, full of nutrients, and perfect for staying refreshed.

If you’re interested in trying this product, here’s how you can do so for free:

1 – First click here to see if your local Target or Whole Foods carries this product. This offer is only valid within those two stores.

2 – Next, go here and put in your number & email:

(copy and paste this link into your browser)

3 – They’ll send you a text message within a few minutes.

4 – Purchase a 12oz bottle of WTRMLN ADE in-store at Target or Whole Foods Market. This offer ends 1/19.

5 – Take a picture of your receipt and send it to the number that texted you earlier. You’ll be reimbursed within a few days via Paypal or Venmo.