Camel Outdoor is known for its high-performance, high-tech protective outdoor gear.
Their latest giveaway ends in a few days, giving you a chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card, a jacket, or a tent. If you’re not into camping, don’t let that stop you from entering the giveaway. There’s still a chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card or a high-quality outdoor jacket, so definitely enter!
- 1 winner will receive a $500 Amazon Gift Card
- 2 winners will each receive a $200 Camel Outdoor Jacket
- 2 winners will each receive a Camel Double Tent
Giveaway Rules:
- Giveaway is open worldwide
- Void where prohibited by law
- Giveaway ends on February 18, 2025
How to Enter Giveaway:
- Go to
- Choose any of the 6 ways to enter the giveaway, such as visiting them on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube.