Free Bag of Golden Island Pork Jerky At Costco

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Golden Island Pork Jerky offers a flavorful Korean Barbecue recipe, crafted with a blend of garlic, onion, soy sauce, and brown sugar. It’s gluten-free and contains no added nitrates, making it a tasty and healthier snack option.

Here’s how you can try it out for free:

1 – First, check to see if your local Costco carries Golden Island jerky. You can do that by clicking here:

2 – Next, head on over to this link: Fill out your name, number, email, and where you shop.

3 – You’ll get a text message within a few minutes. Don’t delete this message. You’ll need to come back to it later to get your refund.

4 – Now, simply head over to Costco, pick up the product, and save your receipt.

5 – Go back to the text message you received earlier. Click on the link. This is where you’ll submit your receipt in order to get your money back.

6 – Done. You’ll get your money back via Paypal or Venmo within a few days.